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C4D全面基础入门教程(英文字幕) Udemy – Cinema 4D Complete Vol.1 – 3


  • Cinema 4D Complete Vol.1 – The Essentials
  • Cinema 4D Complete Vol.2 – All about Modeling!
  • Cinema 4D Complete Vol.3 – Unleash the power of Mograph!


  • A complete tour of the interface
  • How to navigate efficiently in the 3D viewport
  • The display options of the viewport
  • How to customize the interface
  • The hidden options of the object manager
  • Tips and tricks on how to manipulate lots of objects
  • The coordinate system
  • The layer manager
  • The software preferences to know
  • How to set up your project and save the changes
  • The library and how to search it
  • The parametric objects explained
  • How to move, scale and rotate your objects quickly and efficiently
  • The generators
  • Workplane and snapping settings explained
  • How to place your objects exactly where you want
  • Practical workshop: how to model a toy Flying Saucer using parametric objects only
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