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C4D Redshift渲染器使用全面介绍教程 Skillshare – Redshift for Cinema 4D Masterclass

全面讲解C4D Redshift渲染器的使用方法,从基础的界面菜单,到场景灯光、HDRI、摄像机、景深、材质、节点、运动模糊、场景优化、去噪和渲染输出等整个流程

On this course, you will learn how to use Redshift for Cinema 4D from start to finish. And by the end of the training, you will be able to create an amazing looking, photorealistic render. We will cover subjects such as customising Cinema 4D’s interface for maximum productivity; working with Redshift lights; using HDRI images for lighting; working with cameras; depth of field and the highly sought-after Bokeh effect; materials and the Redshift Shader Graph; motion blur; scene optimisation; denoising and finally rendering a scene.

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125个门 窗户 门把手 门锁C4D 3d max fbx obj格式模型素材
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