33个C4D文字预设合集 Text Edge Pro | Bevel Kit for Cinema 4D
含有:pydeform_v4.0插件(支持C4D R15)
1. Install the eyedesyn_text edge pro.lib4d file into your Latest Cinema 4D install folder under library/browser…
2.??Place “TEFX Inner Bevel Presets” somewhere you can easily access it, such as Maxon/Cinema 4D RXX/Library/browser.??Where you place it doesn’t affect functionality.
If you have any problems, please contact me at
If you are updating Text Edge FX to a newer version, just replace the .lib4d file in your library/browser folder in your Maxon install folder.
The new spline controls for the inner bevels are only compatible with R13 & above.??If you’re using R12 or below, please use release R12 of TEFX.
If you’re using Cinema 4D Lite, use the TEFX Lite version.
Thanks for purchasing Text Edge FX!