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软件性质: 插件
适用版本: C4D R15 – C4D R16 – C4D R17 – C4D R18
软件版本: Version: unknown
系统平台: Win?MAC
软件语言: 英文

C4D顶点法线控制插件 Frostsof Vertex Normal Tool v1.03 R15-R18 Win/Mac

可以生成和控制C4D顶点法线,实际上其他软件像3ds Max, Maya这些都是支持点法线编辑的,C4D只支持导入和渲染,但是没有一个很可见的方法去编辑,Vertex Normal Tool这个插件可以完成这个目的
Vertex Normal Tool is a plug-in for C4D which adds a tool for creating and manipulating vertex normals on polygon objects in C4d. Virtually all other high-end 3d applications (3ds Max, Maya, etc.) support vertex normal editing and while c4d supports importing, rendering, etc.. vertex normals it lacks any interface or tool for creating or editing them. This plug-in aims to address that problem by giving the artist full control over vertex normals.

Version 1.03
Fixed bug in 17.048 AddColorChooser “#TypeError: Required argument ‘settings’ (pos 6) not found” does not seem to be documented but providing dummy bc seems to surfactant.

Version 1.02
Fixed bug due to plugin not correctly checking for presence of a phong tag which caused the object to become out of sync.

Version 1.01
Fixed bug that in certain cases when c4d called “reload python plugins” a warning would be printed to console.
Fixed bug that could cause a unexpected error when c4d is closed if the vertex normal tool is still active and drawing to the viewport in.
Added compiled .pypv for R15

Version 1.0
Initial release

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C4D模型 34个恐龙C4D模型(含绑定动画) 含贴图 含材质
C4D模型 34个恐龙C4D模型(含绑定动画) 含贴图 含材质
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